Learning Influencers

Learning influencers in BD have become influential figures within the digital space, leveraging their expertise and passion for education to inspire and empower individuals in their learning journeys. Through their engaging content, specialized knowledge, and personalized approach to education, they make learning more accessible, enjoyable, and effective. Learning influencers play a vital role in promoting lifelong learning, personal growth, and skill development, making a positive impact on the intellectual enrichment and self-improvement of their audience.

Find Science & Technology influencers in Bangladesh here!

Freelancer Ahsan

Influencer Name : Freelancer Ahsan
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 10.2k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 2k +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

Freelancer Ahsan is a professional digital marketer with over 3 years of experience in the field, and a passion for helping others succeed in the industry. As a full-time digital marketing trainer, he offers a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help you succeed in your digital marketing endeavors.

Nahid Hasan Munna

Influencer Name : Nahid Hasan Munna
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 67.4k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 114k +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

Nahid Hasan Munna (Bengali: নাহিদ হাসান মুন্না) is a passionate educator, writer, founder and CEO of Nahid24. This is one of the largest online education platforms in Bangladesh. Every day he teaches more than 2 lakh students on YouTube and Facebook for free.

উদ্ভাস-উন্মেষ শিক্ষা পরিবার

Influencer Name : উদ্ভাস-উন্মেষ শিক্ষা পরিবার
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 340k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 739,589 +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

“উদ্ভাস-উন্মেষ” প্রচলিত শাব্দিক প্রয়োগে এডমিশন কেয়ার হলেও এটি মূলত স্বপ্নবাজ একদল মানুষের আলোদয়ী প্ল্যাটফর্ম। যাঁরা মুখস্থ বিদ্যার অন্ধচর্চাকে মাড়িয়ে রোজ স্বপ্ন দেখে সৃজনশীলতার। যাঁরা বিশ্বাস করে শিক্ষার মূল লক্ষ্য প্রতিটি মানুষের সুপ্ত প্রতিভাকে বিকশিত করা, চিন্তাশক্তিকে শাণিত করা, মূল্যবোধ তৈরি করা কিংবা প্রতিটি মানুষকে আত্মবিশ্বাসী, ধৈর্যশীল ও দায়িত্ববান মানুষ হিসেবে গড়ে তোলা।


Influencer Name : SHIPRA BD TOUCH
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 11.1k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 5.3k +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

SHIPRA BD TOUCH‘ channel is an education and language learning channel. This channel will teach all languages ​​of the world such as Bengali, English, Hindi, Arabic, Urdu, Korean, Spanish, etc.

Learn easily

Influencer Name : Learn easily
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 41.5k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 3k +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

Learn easily channel of mine is basically language-related. Through this channel, you can learn how to learn to speak Hindi and Arabic quickly.

M.Learning English

Influencer Name : M.Learning English
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 26k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 2.1k +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

M.Learning English is a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and opportunities. As one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, English serves as a bridge that connects people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, allowing them to communicate, share ideas, and build relationships. Whether you are a beginner just starting out or an advanced learner looking to refine your skills, learning English opens up a world of possibilities.

Sayed Nuruzzaman

Influencer Name : Sayed Nuruzzaman
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 316k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 5.9k +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

RASELraju Institute

Influencer Name : RASELraju Institute
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 46.7k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 212 +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

RASELraju Institute’s owner is a native Bengali tutor and over the three years, he has been teaching Bengali worldwide at a very cheap cost. Already he taught over 50 paid students since 2018. He has developed an exclusive Bengali language curriculum.


Influencer Name : AWAL CREATIVE
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 57.5k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 11,928 +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

AWAL CREATIVE, you want to learn Graphic Design in Bangla. They are here to teach you every detail you want to learn for Free. Started with Microsoft Word / Microsoft PowerPoint/ Microsoft Excel Adobe Illustrator /Adobe Photoshop And Video Editing.

Easy English School

Influencer Name : Easy English School
Youtube Channel
Subscribers : 631k +
Facebook Page
Facebook Followers : 2,128 +
Instagram Page
Instagram Followers : N/A
Niche : Learning

আপনি যদি ইংরেজিতে দুর্বল হয়ে থাকেন তাহলে Easy English School আপনার জন্য সঠিক যায়গা, যেখান থেকে আপনি খুব সহজেই জিরো থেকে ইংরেজি শিখতে পারবেন।

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